Take control of your college financial aid experience with this essential guide—the only annual guidebook with line-by-line instructions for completing the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE aid forms!The filing date for the FAFSA has moved up—and since many colleges disburse financial aid on a first-come, first-served basis, it's essential that you get your paperwork filled quickly and accurately. As seen in USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, Money, and the Los Angeles Times, Paying for College Without Going Broke will help you do just that, plus ... • Navigate the most recent changes to the FAFSA• Use line-by-line strategies for filling out the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE to maximum effect• Calculate the actual costs of college • Increase your chances of receiving aid • Avoid costly mistakes when applying for assistance• Compare aid offers and learn how to appeal if necessary • Plan strategically as a separated/divorced parent, blended family, or independent studentPaying for College Without Going Broke also includes a foreword by former president Bill Clinton.
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